Licensed Pharmacies
All prescriptions from our fulfillment partner are dispensed by licensed pharmacies from around the world.
Prescription is Required
A valid prescription is needed from your doctor to process the order.
Generic Are Available
The International Generic Program provides customers with the option of greater savings.
Welcome to
Welcome to the, your global pharmacy source for finding the most affordable medications from Canada and around the world. We provide worldwide customers with convenient access to prescription drugs at substantial savings. Though our pharmacy intermediary partner, you can expect savings from 40% to 90%. Save today on medications like Abilify, Avapro, Cymbalta, Gleevec, Nuvigil, Plavix, Propecia, Singulair, Valtrex, Zoloft.
A-Z Prescription Search
Finding Prescription Drugs at Affordable Prices in Today’s World
The cost of prescription Drugs in many parts of the world have been rising rapidly leaving many uninsured and underinsured people with no reasonable way to obtain their needed medications. To avoid health problems, many people are now looking internationally for more affordable and less time consuming options. Fulfillment partners like ours provide a safe, secure and affordable option by mail order. Customers can place their orders online, by fax, or by mail. All refills can be ordered by telephone. You can place your prescription drugs order from the comfort of your home by choosing the ordering method that is convenient for you. Some of the benefits include: Access to popular brand name and generic medications at savings of up to 90%, no hidden fees! All you pay for is the cost of the medications plus a standard shipping/handling fee per package sent to you, everyone is eligible for our regardless of age, health, income, or employment, and all Canadian medications dispensed are approved by Health Canada. Our fulfillment partner takes great pride in providing you with convenient access to live, knowledgeable, and friendly customer care representatives who can help you will your needs.
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Our Pharmacy Fulfillment Partner
Your Canadian pharmacy has been a Godsend for us. We all know how far that social security check doesn't go when you start having to buy meds.
Liam, Miami, Flordia
I wanted to say thank you to those who processed my order. Thanks for helping me out of my schedule problem.
Emma, Anaheim, California
Do you know what Cozaar is used for?